Zinc Oxide Strapping

Zinc Oxide Strapping


Explore our premium Zinc Oxide Strapping, designed to offer unparalleled support and secure wound care. Our zinc oxide strapping tape ensures optimal adhesion and comfort, making it an essential addition to any first aid kit.


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SKU: MSD005 Categories:

Key Features:

  1. Premium Quality: Our zinc oxide strapping is crafted with utmost precision and top-notch materials to ensure exceptional durability and performance.
  2. Strong Adhesion: The tape’s powerful adhesive properties provide a firm grip on the skin, allowing it to stay in place during vigorous activities or extended wear.
  3. Gentle on Skin: Designed with sensitivity in mind, our zinc oxide strapping is gentle on the skin, minimizing the risk of irritation or discomfort, making it suitable for all skin types.
  4. Versatile Application: Perfect for a wide range of applications, including sprains, strains, support for joints, and general wound care. It’s the ideal solution for athletes, active individuals, and medical practitioners.
  5. Breathable and Hypoallergenic: The breathable fabric of our zinc oxide strapping tape promotes air circulation and reduces the risk of skin irritation. It’s hypoallergenic, making it safe for prolonged use.
  6. Water-Resistant: Our zinc oxide strapping retains its adhesive strength even when exposed to moisture, ensuring consistent performance in various environments.


  1. Optimal Support: Get the support you need for a speedy recovery and injury prevention with our zinc oxide strapping. Its stability helps maintain joint alignment and reduces the risk of further injury.
  2. Long-Lasting Adhesion: The tape’s strong adhesion keeps it securely in place, allowing you to stay active and confident during your healing process.
  3. Easy Application and Removal: The easy-to-use zinc oxide strapping can be applied with precision, and its painless removal won’t cause additional discomfort.
  4. Cost-Effective: Our zinc oxide strapping offers superior quality at an affordable price, making it an excellent investment for both medical professionals and individuals.


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